Eco-Innovation Articles From Around the World

Lush Wants to Make Animal Testing Irrelevant

Source: Published: November 13, 2017 © Lush Prize By Katherine Martinko This formidable soap company uses its annual Lush Prize to reward scientists working to replace animals in product safety testing. Lush is no ordinary cosmetics company. Not only...

Your Tears Can Generate Electricity

Source: Published: October 19, 2017 Aimee Stapleton and other researchers at the University of Limerick have found that lysozyme—in tears, saliva, mucus, milk and chicken eggs—accumulates an electric charge when squeezed. (Sean Curtin, True...

Arup Proposes Using Food Waste as Building Materials

Source: Published: October 17, 2017 The company argues that organic waste would ameliorate rising levels of waste and shortfalls of raw material, as well as providing industry with cheap, low carbon materials. — Global Construction Review By Mackenzie...

How Chicken Feathers Could Warm Our Homes

Source: Published: October 10, 2017 One of the world’s most under-exploited waste products – the feathers from poultry farms – is finding a clever new use inside buildings. By Stephen Dowling Where there are people, there are chickens. Pretty much every...

Innovative Ways Companies Are Re-Purposing Food Waste

Source: Published: September 22, 2017 By: Lyna Vuong We love to brainstorm ways to cook with our food scraps, and this got us thinking about large-scale food producers and retailers, and how companies are addressing the issue of food waste. As...

Clean Cook Stoves Project

Source: Published: May 19, 2017 According to the World Bank, indoor pollution from coal, dung and wood-burning stoves as well as fire pits kills nearly two million people each year – including half of all children under the age of five who die from...

Glass Building Blocks Generate Their Own Solar Energy

Source: Published: August 17, 2017 Written by Tafline Laylin There’s a new building block in town, and it generates its own clean energy. Researchers from Exeter University developed new glass blocks that are embedded with small solar cells. Not only do...

Bug Burgers? Switzerland Says Insects Are What’s for Dinner

Source: Published: August 16, 2017 Helena Bachmann When you think of Swiss food, chocolate and cheese quickly come to mind. But now a novel food is creating a buzz in this Alpine nation. Burgers and meatballs made from insects will hit grocery...

To Restore Our Soils, Feed the Microbes

Source: Published Date: August 12, 2017 (cjp via iStock) Matthew Wallenstein This article was originally published on The Conversation. Our soils are in trouble. Over the past century, we’ve abused them with plowing, tilling and too much fertilizer. What...

Innovations in Desert and Drylands Farming

Source: Published: August 11, 2017 Photo credit: © FAO/Giulio Napolitano The global demand for food, water and energy is expected to increase by about 40 to 50 percent by 2030. This is driven in part by an expanding population, rapid urbanization, greater...