Source: Published: November 23, 2016 By Andrew Silver Sanivation’s poop-based fuel briquettes finish cooling and drying on racks. Photo: Sanivation In August 2015—after a couple of years of testing—a company in Kenya began commercially...
Source: Published: November 1, 2017 Less than ideal: Land in Sumatra converted for oil palm cultivation. Image: Hayden (Oil Palm Concession) via Wikimedia Commons By Tim Radford Rethinking land use – the way we exploit, manage and neglect...
Source: Published: November 1, 2017 Photo: Bailey Evans/Conservation International An ambitious plan by Conservation International could mean an impressive 73 million new trees will be planted over the next six years in the Brazilian region of the Amazon....
Source: Published: October 13, 2017 Regeneration International Organic Consumers Association By Regeneration International The most important, although as of yet little known, new paradigm shift and set of practices in the world today is regenerative...
Source: Published: August 22, 2017 A research team led by Princeton University surveyed a 3-hectare area that had been covered in orange peels in the 1990s. They found a 176 percent increase in aboveground biomass — or the wood in the trees,...
Source: Published Date: August 12, 2017 By ERNESTO LONDOÑO, VEDA SHASTRI and KAITLYN MULLIN Click on source above for video. Chile is advancing in its goals for reliance on renewable energy, with South America’s first geothermal plant and a constellation...
Source: Published: June 13, 2015 Melting Arctic Permafrost represents fundamental threat to global climate. Restoring “Mammoth Steppe” could help. by Team Wooly Mammoth Summary Arctic permafrost contains ~1600 gigatons of carbon, approximately twice...
Source: Published: November 9, 2016 In this post Nahuel Policelli discusses a recent paper by Timothy M. Bowles and colleagues ‘Ecological intensification and arbuscular mycorrhizas: a meta-analysis of tillage and cover crop effects‘...
Source: Published: December 31, 2009 By Patrick Lindsey TDEC Office of Sustainable Practices Sustainability CHAPEL HILL, Tenn. — A 65-acre agricultural field has been restored to its original wetland state in the rolling hills of Middle...
Source: Published: May 18, 2017 Bair Island planting event (photo by Save the Bay) The Bay Area is prized for its beauty, and is one of America’s great estuaries. Over the years, urbanization and the transformation of open spaces to more intensive land...