Source: Published: February 5, 2016 Mr Kyshan Rao, an Indian engineer and farmer, shows farmers how to select good planting seeds in Ahero Irrigation Scheme, Kisumu County. @ ANITA CHEPKOECH Time seems to be up for paddy rice farming as researchers unveil...
Source: Published: June 15, 2016 by ClimateRe Pitch Reducing Methane Emission While Enhancing Rice Farmers’ Resilience to Climate Change Click here to watch “Reducing methane emissions from rice farming”: The rice farmers...
Source: Published: September 23, 2016 Photo credit: CC BY 2.5, By Erika Styger, originally published by Patterns of Commoning When the rainy season came early to the highlands of Madagascar in 1983, the...
Source: Published: March 22, 2017 SRI-Rice ONLINE and its associated social networking sites are maintained by the SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice) at Cornell University. SRI-Rice ONLINE contains the most comprehensive...
Source: Published: March 22, 2017 (Text comes from a pdf article) Mrs Tea Sarim is one of the participating farmers in a European Union funded multi-country (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam and Thailand) project called “Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for...
Source: Published: March 22, 2017 Norman Uphoff is a Professor of Government and International Agriculture at Cornell University and the Director of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs. Uphoff’s work focuses on rural development and agricultural...