What is the Impact of Animal Production on The Environment?

Source: animalsmart.org Published: April 17, 2017 Current text: One of the biggest topics of animal agriculture shown through the media focuses on the impacts animal production has on the environment. Each and every human has made an impact on the environment and the...

Organic Farming Could, Maybe, Feed the World, Say Scientists

Source: modernfarmer.com Published: February 5, 2016 Shutterstock Dan Nosowitz Previous studies have looked specifically at the cost or yield of organic farming, sometimes in specific countries, or at the cost of transitioning to an all-organic system. But this new...

Organic Farming Could Feed the World

Source: huffingtonpost.com Published: June 22, 2016 Mike Blake / Reuters Farm workers harvest squash from the Chino Farm in Rancho Santa Fe, California, U.S. on October 3, 2007 By Joseph Erbentraut When it comes to organic farming, many in the agricultural industry...