Large-Scale Floating Offshore Wind Power Is Finally Here

Source: Published: March 10, 2017 © Scottish Government Offshore wind energy has been growing like crazy in the last few decades—so much so that there’s even talk of serious talk of multi-gigawatt offshore wind farms in the US in the not too distant...

Scotland The Wave (Tidal Power Takes Over in The North)

Source: Published: January 6, 2017 The 4-year-old BOLT design by Fred Olsen is one of the most successful wave-power devices, approaching commercial production after extensive testing in the UK’s Falmouth testing area. BOLT image; Credit: © Fred Olsen...

Dutch Company To Test Floating Turbine In Bay Of Fundy In Late 2017

Source: Published: July 12, 2016   By Keith Doucette HALIFAX—By late 2017, the quest to generate commercial quantities of electricity from the powerful tidal currents in the Bay of Fundy could include testing of a Dutch-engineered floating turbine system...

Portland’s New Pipes Harvest Power from Drinking Water

Source: Published: January 23, 2015 “It’s pretty rare to find a new source of energy where there’s no environmental impact,” says Gregg Semler, CEO of Lucid Energy, the Portland-based startup that designed the new system.  By Adele Peters If you live...