Source: Published: November 4, 2016 Conservation agriculture (often termed CA) is often claimed to lock up (“sequester”) carbon in soil and thus contribute to the “mitigation” of climate change. Scientists at Rothamsted Research, which is...
Source: Published: January 3, 2017 Jenya Shandina takes to podium to share One Acre Fund stories, goals and successes. Photo by Sarah Goellner Kathryn Cawdrey wrote this as a guest editor for Conservation agriculture is critical for...
Source: Published: February 22, 2017 “When we harvest maize, we leave the stalks in the field. Parts of these stalks are eaten by the livestock. The fibrous part which is not eaten by the animals adds nutrients to the soil but, at the same time, when it...
Source: Published: October 17, 2016 Soe, South Central Timor | Mon, October 17, 2016 Agriculture breakthrough – Teachers from state vocational school SMK Negeri 1 Soe show their students how to clear land using a conservation agriculture system...