Land Use Can Achieve 30% of Carbon Cuts by 2030

Source: Published: November 1, 2017 Less than ideal: Land in Sumatra converted for oil palm cultivation. Image: Hayden (Oil Palm Concession) via Wikimedia Commons By Tim Radford Rethinking land use – the way we exploit, manage and neglect...

How a Forest with More Mammals Stores More Carbon

Source: Published: October 18, 2017 by Brandon Keim To the many moral and practical reasons for protecting the creatures with whom we share this blue marble, add one more. They might help Earth safely store more carbon. Writing in the...

Key to Speeding Up Carbon Sequestration Discovered

Source: Published: July 17, 2017 Scanning electron microscopy image of calcite. Credit: Adam Subhas/Caltech by California Institute of Technology Scientists at Caltech and USC have discovered a way to speed up the slow part of the chemical reaction that...

British Forest Pumped Full of CO2 To Test Tree Absorption

Source: Unknown Published: June 21, 2017 These huge arrays are pumping out carbon dioxide – the main man-made greenhouse gas. But this isn’t an industrial plant; it’s a science experiment. The ten year study wants to find out what effect rising CO2 has on a mature...

World’s First Commercial Carbon-Sucking Plant Goes Live in Zurich

Source: Published: May 31, 2017 by Lacy Cooke Carbon capture is essential to the fight against climate change and keeping temperatures below a two-degree-Celsius increase, according to Swiss-based Climeworks. For a few years now they’ve been working on...

Are Hedges Better at Fighting Urban Air Pollution Than Trees?

Source: Published: May 24, 2017 The British countryside is famed for its hedgerows. According to scientists, cities need more dense lines of shrubs in order to effectively combat automobile-borne air pollution. (Photo: Jenny Brown/flickr) By Matt Hickman Make...

A Climate Change Solution Beneath Our Feet

Source: Published: May 17, 2017 Content from UC Davis There’s too much carbon in the atmosphere and not enough in the ground where it’s useful. Healthy soil can help flip the picture. When we think of climate change solutions, what typically comes...

Tropical Trees Solution for Climate Change

Source: Published: May 17, 2017 Planting trees in any climate is beneficial because there are many benefits of planting trees. Yet, planting trees near the equator “cools” the planet more than trees planted in temperate latitudes. Scientists...