What Is Carbon Capture and Storage, and Why Do We Need It?

Source: wvpublic.org Published Date: November 10, 2017 By Glynis Board A bipartisan group in Congress, including several Ohio Valley lawmakers, is pushing for more federal support for poorly understood technology known as carbon capture and storage. The lawmakers and...

Key to Speeding Up Carbon Sequestration Discovered

Source: m.phys.org Published: July 17, 2017 Scanning electron microscopy image of calcite. Credit: Adam Subhas/Caltech by California Institute of Technology Scientists at Caltech and USC have discovered a way to speed up the slow part of the chemical reaction that...

California’s Grand Plan to Fight Climate Change on the Farm

Source: civileats.com Published: February 2, 2016 California lawmakers move toward paying farmers to adopt climate-smart practices. BY ARIANA REGUZZONI  |  Agroecology, Climate While El Niño rains have brought some relief to drought-stricken California, Governor Jerry...

Are Hedges Better at Fighting Urban Air Pollution Than Trees?

Source: mnn.com Published: May 24, 2017 The British countryside is famed for its hedgerows. According to scientists, cities need more dense lines of shrubs in order to effectively combat automobile-borne air pollution. (Photo: Jenny Brown/flickr) By Matt Hickman Make...

Nonprofit Clones Giant Sequoias to Combat Climate Change

Source: nonprofitquarterly.org Published: July 20, 2016 Secuoyas gigantes, giant sequoias / Vicente Villamón Shafaq Hasan Portland Press Herald (Portland, ME) While state attorneys general may be trying to hold ExxonMobil accountable for its potential part in...

Are Some Forests Better Than Others at Mitigating Climate Change?

Source: howtoconserve.org Published: February 26, 2016 Photo credit: Travel Photos HD. By Orion McCarthy  LIFE ON EARTH wouldn’t be the same without forests. An estimated 1.6 billion people around the world depend on forests for their livelihood. Forests provide food...

A Crucial Climate Mystery Is Just Under Our Feet

Source: grist.org Published: April 11, 2017 By Nathanael Johnson What Jonathan Sanderman really wanted was some old dirt. He called everyone he could think of who might know where he could get some. He emailed colleagues and read through old studies looking for clues,...

Secondary Tropical Forests Sequester Large Amounts of Carbon

Source: wur.nl Published: February 3, 2016 Regrowing secondary tropical forests rapidly sequester carbon. An international team of forest researchers led by researchers from Wageningen University measured an eleven times higher carbon uptake compared with old-growth...

How Carbon Farming Can Reverse Climate Change

Source: ecowatch.com Published: May 21, 2016 Union of Concerned Scientists Are there agricultural practices that might offer more potential than the ones commonly discussed in the “carbon farming” conversation? In a companion post, I wrote about what the science tells...