Poop-to-Energy Project Provides Clean Cooking Fuel in Kenya

Source: triplepundit.com Published: August 16, 2017 These charcoal briquettes are made from human poop Words by Leon Kaye Sanitation workers, public health officials and entrepreneurs are working together in Kenya to tackle two huge challenges: deal with human waste...

Eco-Friendly Wooden Motorcycle Uses Algae For Fuel

Source:designboom.com Published: August 15, 2017 Beatrice Murray-Nag motorcycles get a lot of bad press for their environmental footprint. that’s why, when dutch designer ritsert mans has teamed up with scientist peter mooij, the duo wanted to create a ride...

Gas from Grass Could Heat Up British Homes

Source: seeker.com Published: November 21, 2016 Ecotricity By Kieran Mulvaney A green energy company in Britain has announced a plan that it says could enable that country to heat almost every home with gas derived from grass. Ecotricity, which claims to be the...