
Published: May 4, 2017

It’s more than just a piece of paper you are shredding. It’s also something that help better the environment if disposed of correctly.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, when you throw paper away, it becomes approximately 33% of the municipal sold waste stream, making the largest component of that waste stream. Why continue to add to the growth when you can do something to help solve the problem?

Recycle! It’s really that easy. When it comes to paper shredding, we recycle 100% of the paper that is shred. Recycling paper not only conserves resources, but also prevents emissions of greenhouse gasses and pollutants, saves energy, stimulates growth of greener technologies, creates jobs, and reduces the need for additional landfills.

The paper industry has set a goal to recycle and recover 70% of the paper consumed by Americans each year by 2020. One ton of recycled paper save 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space. That math adds up to saving an area that is approximately the same size as Washington D.C.  Impressive at the least.

Do your part to help save the environment and shred. Use a service like ours and we will do the recycling for you. It’s as easy and simple as that.