
Published: July 25, 2016

Elementary school students join the California Bear in educational assemblies to learn how they can conserve energy, plus enter to win great prizes

The following content is created in consultation with Energy Upgrade California®. It does not reflect the work or opinions of NBC 7 San Diego’s editorial staff. To learn more about Energy Upgrade California, visit

It takes years of practice and dedication to become a champion, but it is easy to be an Energy Champion. Energy Upgrade California and the San Diego County Office of Education are partnering to help kids learn to save energy with the Golden Bear Assembly program.

The Golden Bear Assembly program is visiting more than 50 California Schools and youth groups in 2016, presenting a fun and interactive energy conservation program that brings new NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) lessons to life. This program provides 4th and 5th graders with an opportunity to become an Energy Champion and a coach at home. Some of the activities include a true and false trivia game complete with buzzers, a demonstration of a closed and open circuit, and household props with simple energy saving tips for the home and family, along with videos and interactive games that provide energy saving information. It is so much fun, the kids don’t even realize they are learning!

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Once assemblies wrap up, the students get to play Golden Bear Bingo. This game includes questions and graphics related to the energy savings topics covered in the assembly, reinforcing what was learned. All Bingo winners from school will be entered into a drawing for a grand prize! A lucky 4th and 5th grader will win a bicycle, be on television on NBC 7 San Diego, and receive other surprises! The Bingo cards, which students take with them, encourage the children to play online Golden Bear Bingo at home with their family to learn more tips and win additional prizes.

In addition to fun games, interactive videos, and the occasional appearance by the California Bear — of state flag fame — we are asking all Californians to take a few moments each day to reflect on the importance of saving energy and protecting our environment.

It is the little things done on a consistent basis that yield the greatest impact. Our youth are the Energy Champions of the future and this program encourages them to step up and take this challenge home to their families.

Here are just a few simple steps we can all take to save energy and become Energy Champions:

  • Turn off the lights when you leave a room
  • Line dry your laundry
  • Machine wash your clothes in cold water
  • Fill up the dishwasher
  • Use a fan instead of air conditioning
  • Close blinds or drapes on hot days to keep the sun out

Coming up 9/26-10/9 it’s your turn to help California Stay Golden! NBC 7 and Energy Upgrade California are partnering to give you a chance to win an Energy Star Appliance valued at up to $2,000. Follow NBC 7 on Facebook for details and to enter for your chance to win starting 9/26.

Energy Upgrade California is a state initiative to help Californians take action to save energy and conserve natural resources.

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