Published: July 5, 2016
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Security and Sustainability Forum
About this Event
Project Drawdown is facilitating a broad coalition of researchers, scientists, graduate students, PhDs, post-docs, policy makers, business leaders and activists to assemble and present the best available information on climate solutions in order to describe their beneficial financial, social and environmental impact over the next thirty years.
The book, Drawdown, reports on this research to map, measure, model, and describe the 100 most substantive solutions to global warming. It is the first detailed plan to reverse global warming.
Drawdown hit #9 on the NYT bestseller in its first week, stayed on the best seller list for four weeks, and is in its 4th printing. It was the first book on the environment or climate to attain that ranking in over 25 years.
For each solution, Drawdown describes its history, the carbon impact it provides, the relative cost and savings, the path to adoption, and how it works. The goal of the research that informs Drawdown is to determine if we can reverse the buildup of atmospheric carbon within thirty years. All solutions modeled are already in place, well understood, analyzed based on peer-reviewed science, and are expanding around the world.
Join Security and Sustainability Forum Managing Director, Edward Saltzberg, and American Renewable Energy Institute Chairman and CEO, Chip Comins, in a 60 minute webinar and conversation with Drawdown Editor and Project Drawdown Executive Director, Paul Hawken.
Drawdown creates a realistic, optimistic and empowering view of our climate future. There are three paths to drawdown: reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere through efficiency and resource productivity; replace existing energy sources with low carbon renewable energy; and bio-sequester carbon dioxide through innovative farming, grazing and reforestation practices.
Scientists have done an extraordinary job determining the impacts of what will happen if we don’t act to mitigate climate change. Now is the time to measure and calculate how we are responding so that we can amplify that response.
The climate “debate” today is similar to a decade ago. On one hand, the science is robust and unequivocal. Those who grasp the science are increasingly concerned by forecasts. The alarm bells have activated a dedicated core of organizations and activists. On the other hand, because of disinformation, polls show that fewer people are interested in climate science than ten years ago. The majority of Americans are confused or unsure of what to do. Thoughts about climate change understandably provoke feelings of fear, loss and threat. In order to mobilize larger portions of the population into constructive action and voting, this needs to change. Showing the diverse and beneficial implications of climate-focused solutions is key to reversing apathy.
To date, the full range and impact of climate solutions have not been explained in a way that bridges the divide between urgency and agency. Thus the aspirations of people who want to enact meaningful solutions remain largely untapped. Dr. Leon Clark, one of the lead authors of the IPCC 5th Assessment on solutions, wrote, “We have the technologies, but we really have no sense of what it would take to deploy them at scale.” Together, let’s figure it out.
The objective of the solutions list is to be as inclusive as possible, presenting an extensive array of impactful measures already in existence. The list is comprised of “no regrets” solutions—actions that make sense to take regardless of their climate value since they have intrinsic benefits to communities and economies. These solutions improve lives, create jobs, restore the environment, enhance security, generate resilience, and advance human health.
We cannot know certainly what will happen in the future. We can, however, show what is possible by 2045—what can happen with the right mix of inspiration and action.
- Afforestation
- Avoided Deforestation
- Bamboo
- Biochar
- Carbon Farming
- Coastal Wetland Protection
- Composting
- Conservation Agriculture
- Farm Water Productivity
- Farmland Restoration
- Grazing & Pasture Management
- Indigenous & Traditional Land Management
- Multistrata Agro-forestry
- Peatland Protection
- Perennial Bioenergy Crops
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Silvopasture
- Sustainable Rice Production
- Tree Intercropping
- Tropical Forest Restoration
- Tropical Staple Tree Crops
- Biomass Energy Production
- Co-generation
- Concentrated Solar Farms
- Distributed Energy Storage
- Geothermal
- In-stream Hydro
- Methane Digesters
- Micro Wind Turbines
- Peak Demand Management
- Rooftop Solar PV
- Solar PV Farms
- Utility-Scale Energy Storage
- Waste-to-Energy
- Wave/Tidal Energy
- Wind Turbines
- Alternative Concretes
- Building with Wood
- Cool Roofs
- District Heating/Cooling
- Greenroofs
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