Published: August 15, 2017 Beatrice Murray-Nag motorcycles get a lot of bad press for their environmental footprint. that’s why, when dutch designer ritsert mans has teamed up with scientist peter mooij, the duo wanted to create a ride...
Source: Published: August 11, 2017 Lorraine Chow In Europe, electric vehicles are not just a low-emission way of getting from A to B, they are also being built as mobile generators. Newly designed Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) models can both...
Source: Published: August 11, 2017 They could be powered by body fluids like sweat or tears in the future. Hoxton/Ryan Lees via Getty Images Mallory Locklear When it comes to making batteries for wearables or implantable medical devices,...
Source: Published: July 21, 2017 By David Salisbury Click here to watch “Ultrathin device harvests electricity from human motion”: Imagine slipping into a jacket, shirt or skirt that powers your cell phone, fitness...
Source: Published: July 27, 2017 by Jasmin Malik Chua Lake Geneva’s latest resident—all four feet of it—is neither man nor beast. Dubbed the Envirobot, the critter is a biomimetic robot designed by Swiss researchers to pinpoint the source of pollution in...
Source: Published: July 24, 2017 The towers, which stand taller than Big Ben, are floated into place. Statoil By James Billington Wind power technology is growing at a rapid pace with larger turbines and more efficient design putting puff into the sails...
Source: Unknown Published: July 22, 2017 Oceanlinx have developed an advanced Oscillating Water Column Device. Thanks to a solid international support, this Australian project is absolutely in the forefront of wave energy technology. The source for this article is...