Published: January 11, 2017
Electrical appliances account for over 30% of the energy bills charges you receive on monthly or annually basis. Many home appliances manufacturers, as well as the government, have shifted their focus into saving energy. Thus, they have invested in producing energy efficient appliances.
These appliances include refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters, lighters, dishwashers, clothes washing machines and dryers, and other electrical items used at home or workplaces. These items are used for purposes such as laundry, cooking, and making the home a comfortable place. Therefore, they are important in our homes.
Why Is Energy Efficiency Necessary?
Many households are comfortable with their energy bills. However, you can save a lot of money spent on paying bills. Energy efficiency is the only way to achieve this goal. Recently, many homes have embraced energy efficiency in a bid to save money as well as conserve energy and the environment.
How Do Energy Efficient Appliances Work?
Energy efficient appliances are designed to utilize minimum energy to complete the required task. Others use renewable sources of energy such as solar energy and water. These appliances are capable of maximizing small amount of energy into the required one to complete a task.
An example of energy efficient appliances is the energy saver bulbs, booster water heaters, and solar water heaters. Many of these appliances can operate under lower temperature and energy settings which sustain their functionality until the completion of tasks.
Different energy appliances manufacturers have been advising buyers on how the appliances work to save energy. This guides the consumers on which appliances to buy and how to use them.
Why Should You Opt For Energy Efficient Appliances?
1. For Energy Saving
These appliances spend the minimum amount of energy to complete their tasks. Thus, they enhance energy conservation. The conserved energy can be used for a different purpose at home, workplace, or even in industries.
2. Energy Efficient Appliances Saves Your Money
By saving energy, these appliances account to reduced energy bills. Using such appliances will cut your spending at home, workplace, or industries. The money saved can be used for any other purpose to enhance more development.
A household may spend up to $5,550 for energy bills per year. This amount can be reduced $2,500 per year through using energy efficient appliances by following various energy saving methods such as replacing bulbs with energy saving lights LEDs or CFDs, using ENERGY STAR-rated refrigerators, and solar water heaters.
3. Energy Efficiency Is Friendly To The Economy
Energy efficiency enhances the state and the federal government to save resources used in harnessing energy from different sources. The Federal Government of US spends over $500 billion per year on catering for energy production demands.
Use of energy efficient appliances enhances conservation of energy to be used later. Therefore, this can improve cutting down of the resources used in generating energy and use them further in other development needs.
Also, manufacturing of energy efficient appliances creates new industries and new jobs. Most of these industries are associated with oversea businesses since the whole world is after upholding energy efficiency goal. This creates revenue and a source of income to many individuals.
4. Energy Efficiency Conserves Our Environment For Sustainable Development
Use of energy efficient appliances minimizes the exploitation of natural resources. These resources include natural gas, oil, coal, and water. Energy efficiency enhances conservation of these sources as a way to achieve sustainable development.
At the same time, use of such appliances is essential in controlling pollution. Generation of energy using water, oil, coal, and natural gas leads to water, soil, and air pollution through industrial effluents and emissions. Energy efficient appliances help in controlling pollution.
5. For National Security
Unsustainable energy demand puts a nation under threat of energy sources depletion. This may go deeper into using national resources to purchase energy from foreign sources. At the same time, it limits national economic independence with energy being the center of the economy.
Use of energy efficient appliances protects energy sources from depletion. It also saves the national resources from being spent on energy purchase. This increases the level of national security and independence.
US nation is reportedly spending 56% less energy as a result of the introduction of energy efficient appliances. This has enhanced the nation to maintain a clean environment as well as conserve a lot of energy. Although the initial installation of energy efficient appliances may be expensive, the overall benefits for a household, enterprise, industry, and the nation at large are incomparable in the long run.